Xiaoyi Pang (庞晓艺)
Postdoctoral Fellow

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Email: xypang@whu.edu.cn
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[Biography] | [Research Interests] | [Selected Publications] | [Projects Experience] | [Awards and Honors]


Xiaoyi Pang (庞晓艺) is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China, working with Prof. Song Guo, Fellow of IEEE. Before that, she received the B.E. degree (2018) with honors in information security and the Ph.D. degree (2023) with honors in Cyberspace Security both from the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University. Her doctoral advisor is Prof. Zhibo Wang. From Sep. 2019 to Dec. 2019, she worked as a research assistant at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she conducted research under the supervision of Prof. John C.S. Lui.

Research Interests

Edge Intelligence, end-edge-cloud collaborative computing, privacy and security, IoT Security, Mobile Crowdsourcing/Crowdsensing systems (MCS).

Selected Publications

(* denotes corresponding author)

Journal Papers:

  1. Jiahui Hu, Jiacheng Du, Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yajie Zhou, Peng Sun and Rui Ken. Does Differential Privacy Really Protect Federated Learning from Gradient Leakage Attacks?. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024, accepted.(CCF A)
  2. Weifan Shi, Qingyong Deng, Zhetao Li, Saiqin Long, Haolin Liu and Xiaoyi Pang. Location and Bid Privacy Preserving based Qualityaware Worker Recruitment Scheme in MCS. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3376799.(JCR Q1) (PDF)
  3. Jiahui Hu, Zhibo Wang, Bohan Lin, Peng Sun, Xiaoyi Pang, Jian Liu and Kui Ren. Shield against gradient leakage attacks: adaptive privacy-preserving federated learning. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2023.3317870.(CCF A) (PDF)
  4. Zhibo Wang, Yunan Sun, Defang Liu, Jiahui Hu, Xiaoyi Pang, Yuke Hu and Kui Ren. Location Privacy-Aware Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, accepted, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2023.3254553.(CCF A) (PDF)
  5. Zhibo Wang, Defang Liu, Yunan Sun, Xiaoyi Pang*, Peng Sun, Feng Lin, John CS Lui and Kui Ren. A Survey on IoT-enabled Home Automation Systems: Attacks and Defenses. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Fourthquarter 2022, 24(4): 2292-2328. (JCR Q1, Impact Factor: 33.84) (PDF)
  6. Xiaoyi Pang, Zhibo Wang, Zeqing He, Peng Sun, Meng Luo, Ju Ren and Kui Ren. Towards Class-balanced Privacy Preserving Heterogeneous Model Aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2022, accepted. (CCF A) (PDF)
  7. Xiaoyi Pang, Zhibo Wang, Defang Liu, John CS Lui, Qian Wang and Ju Ren. Towards Personalized Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery Over Crowdsourced Data Streams. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 327-340, Feb. 2022. (CCF A) (PDF)
  8. Xuyang Ding, Ruizhao Lv, Xiaoyi Pang*, Jiahui Hu, Zhibo Wang, Xu Yang and Xiong Li. Privacy-preserving task allocation for edge computing-based mobile crowdsensing. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2022, 97:107528. (JCR Q2) (PDF)
  9. Zhibo Wang, Wei Yuan, Xiaoyi Pang*, Jingxin Li, Huajie Shao. Towards task-free privacy-preserving data collection. China Communications, 2022, 19(7): 310-323. (JCR Q2) (PDF)
  10. Dan Wang, Ju Ren, Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yaoxue Zhang and Xuemin Shen. Privacy-preserving streaming truth discovery in crowdsourcing with differential privacy. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2021, 21(10): 3757-3772. (CCF A, JCR Q1) (PDF)
  11. Xiaoyi Pang, Dengfeng Guo, Zhibo Wang, Peng Sun and Liqiang Zhang. Towards fair and efficient task allocation in blockchain-based crowdsourcing. CCF Transactions on Networking (CCF TON), 2020, 3(3): 193-204. (PDF)
  12. Peng Sun, Zhibo Wang, Liantao Wu, Yunhe Feng, Xiaoyi Pang, Hairong Qi and Zhi Wang. Towards personalized privacy-preserving incentive for truth discovery in mobile crowdsensing systems. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2020, 21(1): 352-365. (CCF A, JCR Q1) (PDF)
  13. Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang*, Jiahui Hu, Wenxin Liu, Qian Wang, Yanjun Li and Honglong Chen. When mobile crowdsensing meets privacy. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, 57(9): 72-78. (JCR Q1) (PDF)
  14. Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yahong Chen, Huajie Shao, Qian Wang, Libing Wu, Honglong Chen and Hairong Qi. Privacy-preserving crowd-sourced statistical data publishing with an untrusted server. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2018, 18(6): 1356-1367. (CCF A, JCR Q1) (PDF)

Conference Papers:

  1. Zhibo Wang, Zhiwei Chang, Jiahui Hu, Xiaoyi Pang, Jiacheng Du, Yongle Chen, Kui Ren. Breaking Secure Aggregation: Label Leakage from Aggregated Gradients in Federated Learning. IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2024, accepted. (CCF A)
  2. Yajie Zhou, Xiaoyi Pang, Zhibo Wang and Jiahui Hu, Peng Sun, Kui Ren. Towards Efficient Asynchronous Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Edge Environments. IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2024, accepted. (CCF A)
  3. Lei Zhang, Zhibo Wang, Xiaowei Dong, Yunhe Feng, Xiaoyi Pang, Zhifei Zhang, Kui Ren. FAPRune: Fairness-aware Adversarial Pruning. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023: 5168-5177. (CCF A) (PDF)
  4. Defang Liu, Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yunan Sun, Jiahui Hu, Peng Sun and Yuke Hu. Towards Efficient Edge Learning for Large Models in Heterogeneous Resource-limited Environments. The 9th International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BigCom). 2023, accepted. (Best Student Paper Award)
  5. Xiaoyi Pang, Zhibo Wang, Jingxin Li, Ruiting Zhou, Ju Ren and Zhetao Li. Towards Online Privacy-preserving Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing . IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). IEEE, 2022: 1179-1188. (CCF A) (PDF)
  6. Zhibo Wang, Wenxin Liu, Xiaoyi Pang, Ju Ren, Zhe Liu and Yongle Chen. Towards pattern-aware privacy-preserving real-time data collection. IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). IEEE, 2020: 109-118. (CCF A) (PDF)

Projects Experience

Awards and Honors

  • Best Student Paper Award, BigCom2023, 2023
  • Outstanding Paper Award, China Conference on Cyberspace Security 2023, 2023
  • Outstanding Ph.D graduate, Wuhan University, 2023
  • Lei Jun Fellowship, Wuhan University, 2022
  • Outstanding Graduate Student, Wuhan University, 2022 & 2021
  • Academic merit scholarship, Wuhan University, 2021
  • Graduate Academic Innovation Award, Wuhan University, 2020
  • Outstanding Graduates, Wuhan University, 2018
  • First Prize of 2017 TIIC National Undergraduate IoT Design Contest, Ministry of Education, 2017
  • Wuhan University Scholarship, Wuhan University, 2016 & 2017
  • National Encouragement Scholarship, Ministry of Education, 2015

Updating time: 2024.06.20